Professional Development
Workshops and Professional Development Seminars
Develop a strategic initiative that meets your needs. For example, you may want to work on the test scores of a particular group of pupils, or on retention issues, or on the training of critical needs teachers.
Long-term pre-assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment regarding professional development
Dr. Karges-Bone can develop personalized training for your needs. You may want to select a strand of one of the workshops described below and work together to take the message into a fresh direction.
Trauma Informed Practice
Moving from Surviving to Thriving
Trauma and stress affect a child’s brain in unique ways. The amygdala, located on each side of the cortex turn on and effectively shut down critical and creative thinking, making teaching and learning difficult if not impossible. In the session, Dr Bone will explain the trajectory of trauma and residual stress and help teachers understand students ‘ behavior, anxiety, and decisions in the light of childhood trauma. More importantly, participants will identify a menu of instructional and behavior management strategies that more effectively address the impacts of trauma and help students regain a healthy perspective.
Rich Brain/Poor Brain
Bridging Social and Synaptic Gaps with Schools
Target Audience: Title One Schools, Novice Teachers, Critical Needs Teachers, All Educators and Leaders, Parent and Community Groups, School Districts
Purpose: To bring equity to all schools and stakeholders
Outcome: Increased pupil performance. Higher retention of at-risk students, Increased community engagement and social justice
Description: What does it mean to be a wealthy, or “rich,” school? What makes a school “poor”? Is it only about money? Rich Brain, Poor Brain explores the differences that separate students’ opportunities for success. Dr. Bone discusses the research on threats of poverty, the ways poverty shapes brains and behaviors, and ways to change these outcomes for students. LEAP across social and synaptic gaps posed by poverty with strategies across four broad areas: Language, Experiences, Attitudes, and Performance.
Available as a book talk or a full day training.
Doing Battle With Cortisol
Winning the War With Student Engagement
This seminar will give Title I teachers and leaders a much needed nod of reassurance: It is not ME it is YOU, and that YOU is the devilish Cortisol. Why are so many students maddeningly difficult to engage? Why are focus and attention seemingly unattainable goals on one day and then students crave knowledge the next? Blame it on the amygdala and hippocampus. The fascinating roles that Cortisol and stress play in learning are critical to understanding and then winning the battle for engagement. Drawing on her standing room only presentations on "Rich Brain, Poor Brain" and "Brain Tips" sessions around the US, Dr. Bone will engage her audience with a provocative quiz on their own levels of Cortisol and stress and then supply participants with the weapons they need to boost IQ,EQ, and creativity and ultimately emerge victorious in the battle for student engagement.
Changing Culture and Expectations
Excellence in Title 1 Schools
This seminar is a direct challenge to the pervading philosophy found in most Title I schools and leaders. We carelessly toss around the sacred R's....rigor and relevance because it is expected, but seldom consider how entrenched our programs, professional development, and personal leadership styles are in the mire of remediation. If one truly wants to create a revolution in the Title I world and believes deeply in the need for renewed pupil engagement, then one must consider a radical shift from “IEP to AP”. Drawing on research, action research, and feedback from her best-selling 2016 book “Rich Brain, Poor Brain: Bridging Social and Synaptic Gaps in Schools”, Dr. Linda Karges-Bone will examine the worrisome research on the state of AP, Honors, and Challenging coursework found not just in Title I schools, but across the country and contrast it with the enormous amount of time and attention given to failing students. Using the gold standard of the Rosenthal and Jacobson studies on expectations and self-fulfilling prophecies, she will then direct the discussion toward ways to move Curriculum and Instruction in a fresh direction, toward a paradigm in which every student is potentially gifted, not probably delayed.
The Currency of Literacy
A Revolutionary Idea for Bridging the Achievement Gap
Language, in all four Paradigms: listening, speaking, reading, and writing are the true cognitive and social currency of our times. One of the greatest differences between rich-brain and poor-brain schools can be found in the myriad of ways that language is taught, brokered, used, abused, or shared. Drawing on the powerful and popular lessons of her 2016 book: “Rich Brain, Poor Brain: Bridging Social and Synaptic Gaps in Schools”, which drew a standing room only crowd at Title I 2016, Dr. Linda Karges-Bone will investigate and expose 1) Differences between the ways in which rich-brain schools use language to thrive and poor brain-schools use language to survive. 2) The language gap and why it is so treacherous; and then offer creative, accessible ways to bridge those gaps. Language is currency and Title I schools need to be savvy brokers if they wish to enrich every brain.
The Ideal Connection Between Cognitive and Affective Domains
Literacy is the bridge to success and Dr. Bone’s workshop on Bibliotherapy shows teachers how to use vetted pieces of children’s literature to address both standards and emotional intelligence. With little time to spare in the day, teachers are looking for a “one stop” lesson that emerges students in critical and creative thinking, application of literary and literacy skills, and social learning. Targeting key areas of social learning such as bullying, tolerance, citizenship, work ethic, cultural differences, making friends, attachment and adjustment issues, the Bibliotherapy book that is included in the training offers not only a lesson plan, but a ready to use activity sheet for student engagement.
Parents and the Power of Assessment
Teacher/Parent Partnerships
Target Audience: Teachers, Special Educators, School Psychologists, Administrators, and Parents
Purpose: To give teachers and school leaders the knowledge, skills, and dispositions they need to make test scores and other data meaningful to parents and to use the same data to improve instruction.
Outcome: Improved school/parent communication. Increased Test Scores. Higher Parent Satisfaction Ratings on Survey Data.
Description: The National Board of Professional Teaching Standards has several standards mandating teachers to help parents understand high stakes assessments and become partners in the assessment process. It is a lofty goal, but one that continues to escape most schools. Dr. Bone has created this lively new workshop that parents and/or teachers can engage in. Learn the basics of testing and measurement. Find out how to make sense of data and measurement terms. Work as a team to develop a Parent Assessment Newsletter filled with ideas, information, and invitations to become part of an assessment process in which children become the winners! Teachers receive Dr. Bone’s book A Checklist for Everything! as well as a notebook of exciting materials. This workshop can be expanded to include other aspects of school-community relations as needed by an individual site.
Classroom Management ER
A Comprehensive Approach
Target Audience: New Teachers. Schools with Unsatisfactory Ratings. Special Educators. Teacher Trainers. All educators interested in improved school climate and pupil performance.
Purpose: To provide classroom teachers with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions they need to do diagnostic-prescriptive classroom management and integrate positive classroom management strategies before problems occur.
Outcome: Improved test scores. Fewer referrals for behavioral problems. Satisfied, less stressed faculty. More positive school climate.
Description: This full day session offers educators an overview of the 7 major theorists that impact classroom management decisions, including extrinsic and intrinsic models. The emphasis is on preventing management problems with organization, understanding of students’ needs, a firm grasp of brain function and child development, and simple techniques for creating a positive, management-friendly environment. Dr. Bone shows educators how the brains of children and their social situations affect behavior and how teachers can intervene successfully to shape desired outcomes. Video, power point, and small group instruction. Includes the book: A Checklist for Everything!
Brain 101
Bringing Cognitive Science into Your Classroom
Target Audience: Novice and Critical Needs Teachers. Teacher Training Colleges. All educators and leaders interested in developing a working knowledge of the brain’s needs, geography, and ways to improve teaching and learning with the brain in mind.
Purpose: To introduce participants to the “pieces and parts” of the human brain and to the physical, social, and emotional needs of a healthy brain.
Outcome: Improved pupil performance. Higher test scores. Fewer behavior problems. More motivated, relaxed faculty. *There is a major component on reducing teachers’ stress.
Description: This is an exciting full day adventure into the “pieces and parts” of the brain and how this information can improve teaching and learning. Did you know, for example, that the scent of peppermint may raise test scores? Dr. Bone is the “peppermint lady” who brought this information into schools. Topical issues include: ADD, stress and the brain, “fragile brain theory”, foods that impact the brain, the 5 senses of learning, and current information on memory and thinking. This workshop can be tailored for parents, curriculum leaders, special educators, early childhood educators, or Head Start.
Lesson Planning 101
“Plan Your Work and Then Work Your Plan”
Target Audience: New Teachers. Critical Needs Teachers. Schools with low test scores. Schools serving at-risk populations.
Purpose: To improve test scores through long-range instructional planning tied to brain research.
Outcome: Higher test scores. More creative, productive faculty. Enhanced school climate.
Description: Many educators have forgotten the importance of careful, quality planning. Using Dr. Bone’s best-selling book A Plan Book for Everyday, teachers learn the steps of quality planning and brain-friendly ideas to improve teaching and learning. Emphasis on the use of state standards in long-range planning that leads to more coherent daily plans. The importance of planning for accommodations for special needs children, as well as integration of technology and the arts makes this training unique. This workshop includes the matching text A Checklist for Everything to match assessment with instruction. This training is also available in DVD Kit format from Otter Creek Institute.
"A fresh perspective on lesson planning and identifying with the students we teach, plus a new way of applying what I learned in school to real-world teaching!!"
Jennifer Duddleston, 1st Grade Teacher
"... practical methods I can use immediately!"
Colette Peaks, 2nd Grade Teacher
"..detailed, sequential presentation of ideas that are both valuable and easy to use!"
Nell Lindner, 3rd Grade Teacher
Note: Some schools will want to include a second day for Dr. Bone to assist teams in developing standards-based Long-Range Plans.
Long-Range Planning
Improving Test Scores
Target Audience: All teachers, with emphasis on teacher working in at-risk or low-performing schools. Curriculum leaders and planners.
Purpose: To give teachers the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to engage in diagnostic-prescriptive long –range planning. To add coherence to standards-based instruction.
Outcome: Improved school report card rating. Enhanced instruction.
Description:Although long range plans based on state standards are now required for most teachers, few have the benefit of training or good samples.Research suggests that schools that engage in long-range planning see a marked increase in standardized test scores. This is a full day session with the option of a follow up day to review Long Range Plans in progress. Ideally, this training is followed by Lesson Planning 101 (above).
The Five First Steps of Literacy
Forming Lifelong Readers
Target Audience: Head Start. Pre-School and Primary Teachers. Reading Teachers. Language and Literacy Staff. Teacher Coaches. Reading Grant Recipients. Schools with at-risk populations. ESL teachers, parent-education programs.
Purpose: To give teachers the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to improve language and literacy performance among all types of learners. To increase children’s interest in reading.
Outcome: More literate children. A more literary-rich school culture.
Description: Teachers review the five key elements of literacy: phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension and apply them to instruction using children’s literature. This is ideal for preschool teachers, Head Start programs, parenting initiatives, and literacy leaders. Participants will gain confidence and skill as the first literacy teachers of young children.
Grant Writing for Teachers
The Path to Success
Target Audience: Educators and Non-Profit Staff with development responsibilities.
Purpose: To provide new and experienced grant writers with skills to find grant resources and write winning proposals.
Outcome: Funding for your Classroom or Program Dreams!
Description: This is Dr. Bone’s signature workshop, designed to help teachers and districts secure funding for special needs. Each teacher will receive The Educator’s Guide to Grants. The full day training offers and overview of proposal design, funding sources, and strategies for dealing with federal, state, and private funding sources. To date, schools have received over $20 million dollars in funding after applying these strategies. Ideal for small groups, such as a grant-writing team, fund-raising and development officers, and school leaders who are interested in bringing funding to their creative ideas.
Note: See the Grant & Program Evaluation tab on the Menu for details on Dr. Bone’s grant writing and evaluation expertise.
Unlocking the Needs Assessment
Grant Writing
Target Audience: Educators and Non-Profit Staff with development responsibilities.
Purpose: To provide new and experienced grant writers with skills to find grant resources and write winning proposals.
Outcome: Funding for your Classroom or Program Dreams!
Description: Designed as a follow-up for groups that have completed the first grant training, this session narrows the focus to the Needs Assessment, the most critical piece in proposal design. Participants will have the opportunity to write their own Needs Assessment and receive feedback on proposals in progress. The Educators’ Guide to Grants is included in this session.
Note: Dr. Bone can tailor grant-training for all curriculum areas: technology, the arts, science, special education. "The Science of Grants" is a special grant-writing class for science and math educators.
Welcome to the Classroom
New Teachers
Target Audience: Designed for first year or critical needs teachers who need a boost of energy and a review of “the basics”. This session is also useful for support staff and paraprofessionals.
Purpose: To prepare teachers for a positive first or new year experience. Excellent for “summer retreat” for staff or to invigorate a faculty going through a difficult transition period.
Outcome: More prepared, positive faculty and staff.
Description: Join us for an invigorating and inspiring full day session designed to motivate experienced teachers and educate novice teachers with an overview of the basics of good teaching. This is terrific when coupled with Lesson Planning 101 (above) for two full days of staff development.
Productive Instruction and Authentic Assessment
Target Audience: New teachers. All teachers working in low-performing schools. National Board Teaching candidates. Curriculum and school leaders.
Purpose: To give teachers the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to improve assessment practices in both high stakes and low stakes formats.
Outcome: More confident faculty. Improved assessment practices. Higher test scores.
Description: Teachers visit the cycle of planning, instruction, assessment in a holistic fashion, learning how critical standards can be accommodated in a seamless, brain-friendly way. This is a great workshop for magnet schools, charter schools, and any group that needs a “fresh wind” for curriculum planning! Includes a review of assessment terms, types of intelligences, and differentiated assessment practices.
Educational Counseling
Expert Guidance
My clients are my number one priority, and my services prove just how committed I am to their success. Book an introductory meeting today to learn more about how I can make your business thrive.
Sending Out an SOS for SEL
Social-Emotional Learning
"Revitalizing Instruction With Social Emotional Learning" is the perfect prescription for post-pandemic instructional malaise. Available as a keynote or full day training, educators will use Dr. Bone’s new and copyrighted “SEL Matrix” , designed to infuse any lesson with a shot of practical social emotional learning. For too long, SEL has been about theory. Let’s make it authentic, accessible practice.
College Application Guidance
A Comprehensive Approach
Do you have a project or idea that you’d love to bring to life? Since founding my business, I’ve provided my clients with a wide range of consulting services such as this one. To find out more, get in touch.
Distance Learning Support
Expert Guidance
My clients are my number one priority, and my services prove just how committed I am to their success. Book an introductory meeting today to learn more about how I can make your business thrive.
1-on-1 Tutoring
A Comprehensive Approach
Do you have a project or idea that you’d love to bring to life? Since founding my business, I’ve provided my clients with a wide range of consulting services such as this one. To find out more, get in touch.
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