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Committed to Excellence

Dr. Linda Karges-Bone brings over 35 years of experience as a teacher, professor, author, evaluator, grant writer, consultant, and media host to the work of Education InSite. If your school district, non-profit, educational, or family service organization needs insight in the form of professional development, training, program or grant evaluation, strategic planning, media, or a motivating keynote for a conference, contact Education InSite for a free customized quote. 

With a background (and teacher certification) in special education, early childhood education, and elementary education, as well as secondary school English, Dr. Karges-Bone has insight into curriculum, instruction, and assessment across all grade levels and learning needs. A successful teaching career in public and private schools, combined with 33 years as a respected, tenured faculty member (now Distinguished Professor) at an NCATE accredited university in South Carolina, and an earned doctorate from the University of South Carolina in Curriculum and Instruction, give Dr. Karges-Bone a wealth of experience that transform your education site.

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